About Age Safe America, LLC

Advancing Successful Aging at Home®

“We are coming into a senior population explosion that is unprecedented in history. We will need an army of educated and compassionate advocates to assist them with dignity and integrity. Age Safe America will help train and empower this army.” - Steven A. Bailey


Approximately one-third of adults age 65 years or older fall in their home each year, resulting in injury, long-term disability and premature loss of independence. By 2030, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the cost related to these kinds of injuries to be nearly $100 Billion a year. Age Safe® America was created in an effort to help reduce and prevent falls and their associated costs by promoting the necessity to make preparations NOW to ensure ongoing freedom and independence for all.

Age Safe® America is a national membership, training, advocacy and services organization. The company is directed by nationally recognized experts in fall prevention, home safety, aging-in-place, universal design, home modifications, environmental assessment, caregiving and marketing to seniors and aging boomers. We provide training, consulting, certifications, product reviews, tools, resources and support to businesses and professionals serving our aging demographic; as well as courses specific to seniors, their adult children, and the invisible army of family caregivers.

The goal of Age Safe® America is to help people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the comfort, freedom and independence to “age safe at home.”

Age Safe® America is the Leader in Senior Home Safety Training and Aging-in-Place Education for Professionals and Families.

Visit: AgeSafeAmerica.com